Dry cutting, as the name suggests, involves cutting the hair when it’s dry rather than wet. It’s a technique where the hair is styled and shaped in its natural state, without the influence of water or styling products. It’s a great technique to understand how the hair behaves naturally, how it styles, and what shape it will hold. Hair often behaves differently when freshly washed, and for certain hair textures, snipping the lengths when dry can actually help to improve the condition of the hair.

So, if you’re wondering whether a dry cut is the best option for you, keep reading to find out why.  



1. It’s the ideal option for textured hair.  

Anyone with unruly curls or waves understands that where you snip can totally change how your hair turns out – and it can be tricky to predict how the curls will sit when the hair is wet. Dry cutting curly hair allows the stylist to sculpt the hair in its natural state, resulting in more defined curls and a better control over the final look.  

2. It’s a gentle option for fine or thinning hair.  

When hair is wet it is more delicate and has more elasticity, especially if it’s fine or over processed. Due to this, combing through wet hair can easily lead to snapping which is why it’s important to be as gentle as possible when working through any knots. Opting for a dry cut may result in fewer strands being shed throughout the process, a significant consideration for anyone who has fine hair or who is worried about breakage.  

3. It offers a more precise finish.  

Dry cutting offers a unique advantage by allowing a clear view of the hair’s natural texture, movement, and weight distribution. This visibility is particularly beneficial for fine or thin hair, as it enables a precise assessment of where most of the weight lies and how much needs to be trimmed. Split ends are also more visible when the hair is dry as the strands won’t be smoothed down by moisture.  

4. Be in and out of the salon in no time.  

A traditional wet haircut involves several steps: washing, drying, detangling, and then finally cutting. While this process is lovely for those who want to sit back and enjoy a pampering experience, a dry cut eliminates these steps, making it the perfect option for individuals with busy schedules.

Don’t forget you can check-in online or just walk into your nearest salon for your next stylish trim, or to speak to our expert stylists for further advice on your hair’s health.  

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